September 9, 2023
JOIN US for Lycoming College Football’s home opener as we officially dedicate the stadium in honor of FRANK GIRARDI .
LYCOMING STUDENTS GIVE BACK TO COMMUNITY DURING SPRING CLEAN-UP EVENT “This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.” - Theodore Roosevelt
Lycoming College held its annual Spring Clean-Up Day on Earth Day, April 22, 2023. The event is in partnership with the local non-profit Favors Forward Foundation, which pairs groups of college volunteers with service locations across Lycoming County. These locations included parks, organizations such as the YWCA and Salvation Army, and homes of individuals facing hardships. Volunteers met early that morning in Keiper Recreation Center on campus before spreading out in groups to the service locations. Seniors Sofia Odemena ’23 and Isabelle Thomas ’23 helped clean up trash in Brandon Park, while student-athletes cleared debris at the Williamsport Cemetery and other locations throughout town. “During this year’s annual Spring Clean-Up in partnership with Favors Forward, with the
service of 187 student-athletes and leaders, faculty, staff, and community members, Lycoming College was able to serve at 38 different service sites, assisted nine different non-profits, and 29 families or individuals,” said Sophia Stabley, the College’s director of community service and involvement and one of the event’s organizers. “This annual service event provides the opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the greater Williamsport area, learn from those they are serving, and recognize the ways in which they can impact our community.” Students, faculty, and community volunteers came together to give care to the people and places who needed it most in our area, demonstrating a strength of unity and compassion for our environment.
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